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Introduction to the perfect tense in Spanish (2):
Plural forms

So far, you have seen how to form the singular forms of the perfect tense. On this page, we'll look at the plural forms.

For this, we simply need to use the past participle as before, placing it after the appropriate plural form of haber, as follows:

PersonForm of haber
nosotros, -ashemos1...
we have..., we've...
vosotros, -ashabéis...
you have (all)..., you've (all)...
ellos, ellas
they have..., you've...
Plural forms of the Spanish verb haber

1. The form habemos is possible, but appears to be less common than hemos.

Practise the plural forms of the perfect tense

On the next page, you can practise the plural forms of the perfect tense.

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