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Spanish verb tables

The verb tables below show the main irregularities that can occur in Spanish verbs. Note that there are a few spelling rules that apply to the language as a whole and which we generally don't class as verb irregularities (e.g. a stem ending in -c- will always spell this letter as -qu- before e or i).

For an introduction to regular Spanish verbs plus an explanation of the various irregularities illustrated by the verb tables below, see the following sections of the site:

 Introduction to Spanish verbs
 Present tense of -ar verbs (which includes links to sections on various irregularities in the present tense)
 Preterite verb forms: a section on the preterite, one of the parts of the Spanish verb system with the most irregularities.

abastecerc changes to zc in yo form and throughout present subjunctive. c changes to j in preterite.
abducirc changes to zc in yo form and throughout present subjunctive. c changes to j in preterite.
abnegare of stem changes to ie when stressed.
abrirPast participle ends in -ierto.
acentuarLast vowel of stem stressed before unstressed present tense endings.
acostaro of stem changes to ue when stressed.
advertire of stem changes to ie when stressed, before preterite endings that have i vowel, and in present participle.
agradecerc changes to zc in yo form and throughout present subjunctive.
andar(Irregular verb.)
atendere of stem changes to ie when stressed.
caber(Irregular verb.)
caer(Irregular verb.)
cocero of stem changes to ue when stressed.
competire of stem changes to i when stressed, before preterite endings with i in them, and in present participle
contener(Irregular verb.)
convenir(Irregular verb.)
dar(Irregular verb.)
decir(Irregular verb.)
describirPast participle ends in -scrito.
deshacer(Irregular verb.)
dormir(Irregular verb.)
encontraro of stem changes to ue when stressed.
envolvero of stem changes to ue when stressed. Past participle ends in -uelto.
estar(Irregular verb.)
extraer(Irregular verb.)
freírPast participle ends in -ito.
haber(Irregular verb.)
hacer(Irregular verb.)
imponer(Irregular verb.)
ir(Irregular verb.)
jugaru of stem changes to ue when stressed.
lucirc changes to zc in yo form and throughout present subjunctive.
morir(Irregular verb.)
oír(Irregular verb.)
pedire of stem changes to i when stressed, before preterite endings with i in them, and in present participle
poder(Irregular verb.)
poner(Irregular verb.)
preverBasically regular except for past participle visto, and ee elided to e.
proveerPast participle ends in -visto.
querer(Irregular verb.)
recocero of stem changes to ue when stressed. c changes to zc in yo form and throughout present subjunctive.
revolverPast participle ends in -uelto. o of stem changes to ue when stressed.
reír(Irregular verb.)
reñirLast vowel of stem stressed before unstressed present tense endings. e of stem changes to i when stressed, before preterite endings with i in them, and in present participle
romperPast participle ends in -oto.
saber(Irregular verb.)
salirIrregular form salgo, plus irregular future stem and imperative.
satisfacerModelled on hacer.
ser(Irregular verb.)
solero of stem changes to ue when stressed. No future (or conditional) forms. This verb has no preterite (or past subjunctive).
tener(Irregular verb.)
valer(Irregular verb.)
verBasically regular except for past participle visto, and ee elided to e.
yacerRarely used verb with some irregularities.
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